Posted in 2016
Toolkit Workshop Implementing Open Education
Last year Robert Schuwer and me developed a workshop to stimulate teachers to think about how to implement elements of open education in their daily educational practice. Based on the workshop we created a toolkit including all the documents we used, enabling you and others to build on and offer the workshop in your own context. We encourage you to use, adapt the toolkit and offer the workshop. And obviously we would love to hear your input!
We will present our experiences during Open Education Global in March 2017 and hope to see you there!
Below you’ll find Robert’s blog providing a bit more context (CC BY Robert Schuwer):
“Open educational resources, open online courses (eventually “massive”) and open tools like blog, twitter and open forums offer a potentially rich source to use in education. It enables active learning and a more tailor-made approach of education. When teachers are aware of the opportunities open online education can offer, they are able to make an informed choice to use them optimal when designing a course. To enable this, basic knowledge of the many manifestations of openness in education is needed. In the end, their range of teaching methods is enlarged.
To realize this, together with Martijn Ouwehand (Delft University of Technology) under the umbrella of the SURF SIG Open Education, we have developed a workshop targeted at teachers who are interested in applying forms of openness into their lectures.
The objectives of the workshop are to raise awareness of the opportunities of openness and how to integrate them to achieve the optimal learning experience for the students. Open educational practices offers a base to connect openness to the daily practice of a teacher; this workshop tries to give the ideas more flesh and blood.
The workshop offers two approaches of how to use forms of openness in course design:
- Reuse of open learning materials or open courses. This reuse can range from just reusing the idea behind a specific OER (not all 5R rights are necessary for this aim) to reusing reworked and remixed OER (all 5R rights are necessary)
- Expand openness to open tools and open platforms, using an open pedagogy. For this workshop we have adopted a revised version of the definition of open pedagogy by Hegarty.
This workshop was organized twice in 2016 under the umbrella of SURFacademy. Feedback from the participants was used to improve the resources of the workshop. This has resulted in a toolkit. The toolkit can be used by those interested in organizing this workshop in their own institution.
The toolkit consists of the following resources:
- A script. This contains all information needed to organize the workshop (available as .pdf, .docx and .odt)
- A course manual “Basics of open”. This manual is intended for self-study a basic course on openness in education (available as .pdf, .docx and .odt)
- Slides “Workshop Implementing open education”. These slides can be used in the workshop (available as .pptx)
- Two inspirational models.
All resources are published under a CC BY license. The toolkit is available in both Dutch and English and can be downloaded from here.
We intend to regularly update the toolkit, based on feedback of users. Feedback can be provided using this form.
We hope this workshop will add to widening adoption of forms of open online education by teachers.
Blog text CC BY SA Robert Schuwer:
Open Onderwijs: Stimuleringsregeling en workshop
Vandaag zijn zowel de stimuleringsregeling Open & Online Onderwijs als een workshop rondom de inzet van open leermiddelen in onderwijs gelanceerd.
Stimuleringsregeling Open & Online Onderwijs
Vandaag heeft het Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap een nieuwe ronde binnen de Stimuleringsregeling Open & Online Onderwijs gelanceerd. Het is goed om te lezen dat er deze keer meer aandacht lijkt te bestaan voor projecten waarin bestaande leermiddelen worden hergebruikt met als doel de kwaliteit en doelmatigheid van onderwijs te verhogen. Hiermee wordt het m.i. mogelijk de ware kracht van Open Onderwijs te laten zien. Projecten kunnen tot 15 december worden ingediend. Ben je geïnteresseerd in de mogelijkheden op dit gebied, lees dan nog even verder…
Workshop Open onderwijsvormen toepassen voor docenten en onderwijsondersteuners (22 augustus & 13 oktober)
Daarnaast organiseren Robert Schuwer (Fontys Hogeschool) en ik namens de Special Interest Group Open Education na het zomerreces een workshop, waarin we docenten willen ondersteunen om de kansen die open onderwijs biedt te benutten in het (campus)onderwijs, zoals (her)gebruik en aanpassing van bestaande leermiddelen en studenten in contact brengen met een open community middels activerende werkvormen. In de workshop informeren we de deelnemers over deze kansen en dagen we hen uit om deze kennis toe te passen in een eigen lesontwerp (met zogenaamde Open Educational Practices als resultaat). De workshop duurt maximaal 1 dag en wordt 2 keer aangeboden, namelijk op 22 augustus en 13 oktober, maar kent een maximum van 20 deelnemers per keer.
Deze workshop richt zich in eerste instantie op docenten die meer willen bereiken met het onderwijs dat zij verzorgen. Onderwijsondersteuners zijn natuurlijk ook welkom. Daarnaast zorgen we er ook voor dat de opzet en de materialen van de workshop beschikbaar komen, zodat onderwijsondersteuners de workshop zelf kunnen toepassen binnen de eigen instelling.
De workshop kan erg interessant zijn om je te oriënteren op de mogelijkheden van (her)gebruik van bestaande open leermiddelen, bijvoorbeeld in voorbereiding op de stimuleringsregeling Open & Online Onderwijs. Schrijf je dus snel in. het aantal plekken is beperkt.
Open Education Week 2016: Where to go?
During the Open Education Week (March 7 – 11), we will organise several workshops and an Open Education Seminar at Delft University of Technology, where you will learn more about the basics of Open Education, how to connect and/or integrate Open Education in formal education and how you could use open education to increase the learning experience for your campus students.
I can imagine that you do not have time to visit all the events. So, to help you make a better choice in what events to visit, here is a short overview:
Learn about the basics of Open Education
Would you like to know more about what Open Education is and what sets it apart from online education? Then we’d recommend to register for:
- Action Lab: getting started with Open Education – Monday, March 7th, 14:00 – 16:00h
- Open Cinema – Wednesday, March 9th, 10:00 – 11:00 / 12:00 – 13:00 or 15:00 – 16:00h
Learn more about connecting and integrating Open Education in formal education
Would you like to learn how you could use open education to increase the quality of your course, how to enhance the learning experience of your students or what plans the university has in this area, we’d recommend to register for:
- Action Lab: Create your own course design – Tuesday, March 8th, 14:00 – 16:00h
- Open Education Seminar & Debate – Thursday, March 10th, 14:00 – 17:00h
Learn more about options to make your own recordings
- Visit the New Media Center – Monday, March 7th or Tuesday March 8th, 10:30 – 12:00h
We hope to see you there!