Trend Report Open & Online Education 2015
This week we the Dutch Special Interest Group Open Education published a new Trend Report on Open & Online Education. It was launched during the annual SURF Education Days conference (Netherlands). This year I (co)wrote 2 articles and participated in the editorial board.
In ‘Opportunities to embed open & online education in campus education‘ Judith van Hooijdonk (Zuyd University of Applied Science) and me describe which trend we see in Dutch Higher education concerning reuse of OE(R), and more importantly we describe a number of barriers teachers (seem to) experience preventing them from reusing OER in formal education.
During a master class centred around the trend report (during the Education days), we started the discussion how we could overcome these barriers to stimulate the reuse of OE(R) in formal education, and at TU Delft we will continue to work on this challenge.
Also, with Robert Schuwer (Fontys University of Applied Science) and Nicolai van der Woerdt (Radbout University Medical Center) I participated in an article on ‘Connecting different forms of openness: seeking a stronger value proposition‘. In this article we explore different forms of openness, such as open research and open source software. We believe that openness only has a shot if we implement openness in different ways towards an open ecosystem where one strengthens the other.
It was great working on the trend report again and hopefully it provides useful insights to you and others.
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